Where do I start? Which tasks should I assign to my VA? This is perhaps the most common question we get from clients and potential clients alike. Here are 3 things that can save you much time, money, confusion, and headaches.
Make Your List. (On a spreadsheet, is best)
Your Recurring Tasks - On the first column, list down the tasks that you do every day, every week, every month - any recurring task you do.
The Tasks You Hate Doing - Move all tasks that you hate doing to the 2nd column
Yes or No? - On the 3rd column, ask yourself if this task can be done by someone else or not. Mark Y for Yes and N for No
From this spreadsheet, you can easily see which tasks you can start assigning to your VA. I suggest you start passing on tasks that you hate doing but can be passed on to someone else.
Create Video Instructions
Our VArmy is so used to getting videos from us when assigning tasks to them. Yup! We are big proponents of video instructions. Video record while you’re doing the task you’re passing on and you’ll be glad you did.
Your VA will have something they can go back to should they forget or need a refresher on how to get the task done. A video instruction will also save you and your VA time going back and forth for clarifications.
Always Indicate Which Tasks Are Priorities
Don’t just assign tasks to your VA. Let them know which ones should be prioritized down to which ones are a least priority. By having a priority list, you’re also helping out your VA from being overwhelmed trying to figure out where to start on your list. Don’t forget to also be clear about deadlines.