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3 Most Important Things I Learned From Our Offsite

Last month, I had my first ever offsite - not just with the INAM VArmy, not just as an entrepreneur but my legit first ever offsite.

I learned about offsites during my time with The Foundation but I was never able to go there and be a part of it. It’s because from my side of the world, going to the US and getting a visa is both tasking and expensive.

But I digress.

Back to my, or should I say, INAM’s first ever offsite.

I didn’t know what to expect. Both Alla and I were excited but we really had no idea how things were going to go. It was, after all, the first time we’ll be meeting our team.

To say it was amazing is an understatement.

We’ve learned quite a lot from the offsite which is why, I would recommend that if you have a virtual team - make this as one of your milestones. Try your best to do this once a year. It’s a big game changer.

Right here, if you look closely, you’ll see the back of our CEO.

Here’s what we’ve learned:

1. You’ll all gain a new sense of understanding.

Meeting your team (beyond video calls) and spending time with them will not only foster a great bond but will also help you understand each other. You’ll all see how each work and how each processes things differently.

2. More than “business”, get to know your team.

Of course, you go there to plan, to talk about the business, the company, address issues, build more goals but don’t forget about you and your team. Foster activities that will help you get to know who they are, what their dreams are, how they want to grow, how their family is.

Listen to their hopes and dreams and make it YOUR goal too - to help them, to build them up so that they can reach those dreams and goals.

3. Chill and Have Fun

Schedules would be pretty tight with everything that you’ll need to juggle during the offsite. For one, you have all these projects and goal-setting to do and that’s on top of the actual work that you’ll do individually.

But don’t forget about scheduling some down time where you all can just talk or do some fun activity. Allow your self and your team to actually be on vacation even for just a day. You’ll be surprised at how much that can do.

Go ahead and meet your team. It doesn’t matter how big or small your team is. Meet them. Go on an offsite.

While our team was not complete during this time, I sure am glad I met this wonderful bunch.



Image by Kristopher Roller


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