We’re Opening 5 Slots in August
After a successful Beta Test and First Official Launch, we’re glad to move on to our Second Official Launch! This coming August, we will...
Finding the Balance Between Big and Small Thinking
Looking back at my childhood, I realized that my dreams were big. As kids, we never knew how to limit ourselves, so we dream big. Then,...
The 2nd Person You Need to Hire for Your Startup
It’s your customer support person. If you’re still handling your customer support, you need to seriously consider hiring someone else for...
The Important Things We Celebrate in Our Business
Ask any entrepreneur about the things they measure and you’d end up hearing almost the same things. 🔗 number of clicks 💌 open rates 💻...
We Are the Stories We Tell Ourselves
I've heard it so many times and for a time I have been telling this myself too. "I can't do that because I don't have the skills, I lack...
Which Person Should You Hire First?
You’ve successfully launched your startup and it has become your full-time job. You’re finally in a space where you can afford to hire...